Peripartum Acute Myocardial Infarction: Management Perspective

Acute myocardial infarction in pregnancy and puerperium is an uncommon event with substantial morbidity and mortality rates. Atherosclerosis may be the cause, but often the coronary arteries are healthy at angiography. In such cases, the suggested mechanism is a decreased coronary perfusion related to coronary spasm or in situ thrombosis. Most pregnant women who died after myocardial infarction did so at the time of initial infarction, and maternal mortality was greatest if the infarction was late in pregnancy. Increasing cardiovascular stresses of late pregnancy, especially when intensified by parturition, seriously compromise women with ischemic heart disease. Therefore, there should be efforts to limit myocardial oxygen demand throughout pregnancy, and particularly during parturition. It is important for diagnosis to have increased awareness of its possible occurrence. Although principles of management can be generalized, it is necessary to provide individualized care for these high-risk patients by a multidisciplinary team of cardiologists, anesthesiologists, and obstetricians.