The presence of an antigen reactive with a human autoantibody inTrichosia pubescens (Diptera: Sciaridae) and its association with certain transcriptionally active regions of the genome

The antigens in HeLa andTrichosia pubescens cells, recognized by sera from patients with rheumatic diseases containing anti-Ku antibodies, were compared by means of immunoprecipitation of labeled cell extracts. The autoantibodies present in the tested sera precipitate at least two polypeptides of approximately Mr = 70000 and Mr = 80000 in HeLa cell extracts and a polypeptide of approximately Mr = 72000 inTrichosia salivary gland cell extracts. The distribution of the insect antigen in chromatin was studied in salivary gland polytene chromosomes by indirect immunofluorescent staining with sera from two different patients. Both sera react with certain transcriptionally active chromosomal sites. The presence of the antigen in polytene chromosomes is strictly dependent on transcription, as no reaction is observed in the same sites before or after gene activation. Other sites, such as the nucleolar organizing region, are very active in transcription but never reacted with the anti-Ku positive sera. These results show that the insect antigen is associated with transcription-related processes of a subset of the chromosomal loci ofT. pubescens. The anti-Ku positive sera react with a highly conserved antigen, which may serve a very important and similar role in the cellular metabolism of both insect and mammalian cells.