The local anesthetic property of 6-dimethylamino-4, 4-diphenyl-3 heptanone (amidone) was compared with the similar effect of cocaine and meperidine (demerol) by testing for the duration of anesthesia produced in the rabbit''s cornea, and on the human intradermal wheal. In the rabbit expts., Rider''s modification of the Schmitz-Loevenhart technic was used. All 3 drugs were tested in 1%, 2%, and 4% concns. The duration of the corneal anesthesia was the same in all 3 concns. for amidone and cocaine. Meperidine produced incomplete anesthesia in 1% and 2% solns., and the duration of anesthesia was much shorter with the 4% soln. than with the other 2 agents. Cocaine solns. caused some pitting and wrinkling of the cornea. Amidone and meperidine produced slight irregularity of the corneal surface and marked irritation of the cornea, meperidine more so than amidone. Amidone produced the most mydriasis meperidine the least. In some animals, the instillation of 4% amidone and meperidine was followed by mild hypnosis and sedation. 0.25% solns. of all 3 agents were injected intradermally into the forearm of human subjects. The duration of anesthesia following the injn. of 0.25 ml. soln. was about the same for cocaine and amidone, and much shorter for meperidine. The intradermal injn. of 1% amidone and meperidine solns. was very irritating, and even the 0.25% solns. caused some irritation.

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