The structure of satellite panicum mosaic virus at 1.9 Å resolution

The crystal structure of satellite panicum mosaic virus (SPMV) has been solved by multiple isomorphous replacement and molecular replacement and refined at 1.9 A resolution. SPMV, a T = 1 icosahedral virus, is the smallest virus structure determined. The coat protein is an eight-stranded 'jelly roll' beta-barrel with an amino-terminal strand that extends into the interior of the virus, presumably interacting with the RNA. Regions of electron density on the interior of the protein capsid may be RNA, although it is not possible to construct any detailed model of the nucleic acid. Basic amino acid residues in contact with the nucleic acid show a considerable degree of disorder. The carboxy-terminal strand of the virus coat protein interacts with adjacent subunits, forming an additional beta-strand.