The mode of cell growth of Malassezia was studied by freeze–fracture using the plasma membrane configurations of this organism as natural markers. The plasma membrane of the mature cell bodies of M. pachydermatis had a ring swelling, and on each side of the ring, one set of straight and spiral grooves and circumvallate bulgings. The cell always divided at the ring swelling (M. pachydermatis) or depression (M. furfur), soon followed by budding there. A new set of similar configurations formed on the bud. In all the 12 strains of Malassezia studied, the spiral grooves in the mother and bud parts were both left-handed but opposite in the direction of elongation. By comparing distances between the spiral grooves in short and long buds and in mothers, the bud tip was suggested as the major, and adjacent regions as the minor, sites of wall growth. Some characterizations of the plasma membrane invaginations, especially in relation to the mode of cell growth, were also described.