Dielectric Polarization in Solution II. The Polarization of Some Alcohols as a Function of Concentration and Temperature

Curves showing the apparent molal polarization as calculated by the Debye‐Clausius‐Mosotti procedure are compared with the molal polarizability calculated as proposed in the introductory paper of this series. It is possible to give a satisfactory explanation of the latter curves in terms of association whereas the former curves show a behavior so complex that it is difficult to interpret. In the first paper of this series the authors showed that the behavior of the apparent molal polarization as calculated by the Debye‐Clausius‐Mosotti procedure was such as to lead to dubious conclusions even for the simplest type of polar substances. A procedure of applying the equation of Onsager was outlined which promises to make possible the interpretation of data on polarization in a realistic manner. The first paper was inspired by an attempt to apply the Debye‐Clausius‐Mosotti procedure to the alcohols in solution where it leads to results that are puzzling indeed. In this paper these data are published and discussed from the standpoint of the Onsager theory. When some additional data on alcohols in very dilute solution are obtained, it is hoped that an exact value can be obtained for the moments of the alcohols.