In a heterogeneous distributed computing system, machine and network failures are inevitable and can have an adverse effect on applications executing on the system. To reduce the effect of failures on an application executing on a failure-prone system, matching and scheduling algorithms which minimize not only the execution time but also the probability of failure of the application must be devised. However, because of the conflicting requirements, it is not possible to minimize both of the objectives at the same time. Thus, the goal of this paper is to develop matching and scheduling algorithms which account for both the execution time and the reliability of the application. This goal is achieved by modifying an existing matching and scheduling algorithm. The reliability of resources is taken into account using an incremental cost function proposed in this paper and the new algorithm is referred to as the reliable dynamic level scheduling algorithm. The incremental cost function can be defined based on one of the three cost functions developed here. These cost functions are unique in the sense that they are not restricted to tree-based networks and a specific matching and scheduling algorithm. The simulation results confirm that the proposed incremental cost function can be incorporated into matching and scheduling algorithms to produce schedules where the effect of failures of machines and network resources on the execution of the application is reduced and the execution time of the application is minimized as well.

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