Using the renormalized G matrix (the Gr) results of Kuo (for the ds shell) and of Kuo and Brown (for the fp shell), a re-renormalized effective G matrix (the Geff) for only two active orbits is calculated numerically, which would be valid for use in (d52s12)n and (f72p32)n configurations. The operators Gr and Geff as well as the bare G matrix (the Gb) of Kuo and Brown, which thus define the transformation chain GbGrGeff, are then analyzed in the light of truncation of the shell-model space. The analysis shows that the effect of this truncation can largely be taken into account by the addition of a pairing-force term to the effective two-body interaction. The relative change in T=1 and T=0 parts of the interaction due to the truncation of configuration space in various ways is also discussed. Finally, a comparison between the available empirically fitted effective interactions and our theoretical Geff interaction is carried out.