A revised seismic stratigraphy for Quaternary deposits on the inner continental shelf west of Scotland between 55°30‘N and 57°30’N

A stratigraphy for Quaternary deposits on the western Scottish shelf has been erected using seismic and borehole data. Eight new formations are defined and described with evidence presented for the environ‐ment of deposition of each formation. Most of the Quaternary sediments preserved on the shelf arc shown to have accumulated under stadial or glacial conditions. The possible age of each formation is discussed within the context of evidence provided from the mainland, shelf and deep‐sea cores. Two are thought to be pre‐Devensian, one is possibly pre‐Devcnsian. one is possibly Early and/or Middle Devensian, two are probably Late Devensian, one is Late Devensian to Holocenc and one Present day in age. It is suggested that the Late Devensian ice reached the shelf margin south of the Outer Hebridcan Platform.