Effects of retinoid deficiency on the development of the heart and vascular system of the quail embryo

Summary The regulatory role of retinoids in growth and differentiation has been examined in vitro and in vivo by light and scanning electron microscopy using retinoid-deficient and control quail embryos between the 5–15 somite stage, as well as 2- and 2.5-day-old embryos. Fertile, retinoid-deficient eggs were obtained from flocks of quail maintained on a retinoid- and carotenoid-deficient diet, supplemented only with small amounts of retinoic acid methyl ester as described by Thompson et al. 1969. As described previously, retinoid deprivation during embryonal development causes abnormalities in organs of epithelial and mesenchymal origin, most dramatically preventing the formation of the extraembryonal circulatory system in the avian embryo. Our in vivo studies show that the basis for the latter defect is the failure of the primitive heart tubes to open at their posterior end, thus preventing the formation of omphalomesenteric veins normally connecting the embryonal with the extraembryonal circulatory system. Early manifestation of the retinoid-deficient defect may result also in formation of a cardia bifida, late manifestation in development of a single dilated ventricle. In contrast, the extraembryonal vascular system of blood islands is well developed. Heart function as shown by the rate of heart beat is reduced in deficient embryos. Our in vitro studies demonstrate similar defects in the development of the circulatory system by culture of normal 24-h embryos on retinoid-deficient agar medium; conversely, normal development is observed upon culture of retinoid-deficient embryos on retinoid-containing agar medium.