Polarization and Differential Cross Sections in Proton-Proton and Proton-Nucleus Scatterings at 725 MeV

The polarization and angular distribution of protons scattered from protons, helium, beryllium, carbon, aluminum, calcium, iron, and tantalum were measured as functions of angle at 725 MeV. A variation of the usual double-elastic-scattering method was used, in that the sense of the first scattering angle was reversed in finding asymmetries, rather than the second angle. Energy analysis of the scattered beam was accomplished by means of a 102-degree magnetic spectrometer allowing a total resolution of ±10 MeV. The data were fitted with an optical model. In the proton-nucleus scattering the polarization reaches a maximum value of about 40% at angles less than the diffraction minimum. Results in proton-proton scatterings are more interesting; however, because of an uncertainty in the analyzing power of carbon, a definite statement cannot be made. One can say, however, that either the polarization in proton-proton scatterings is above 50% at this energy or the analyzing power of carbon at 6 deg and 600 MeV is more than 40%, which is considerably greater than the 30% measured at 725 MeV.