All-Blood (Miniplegia) Versus Dilute Cardioplegia in Experimental Surgical Revascularization of Evolving Infarction

Background The advantages of blood cardioplegia include the oxygen-carrying capacity, superior oncotic and buffering properties, and endogenous antioxidants contained in blood. However, the partial dilution of blood in 4:1 (blood:crystalloid) cardioplegic solutions may nullify these advantages and progressively dilute blood during continuous retrograde delivery. This study tested the hypothesis that all-blood (66:1) cardioplegia provides superior myocardial protection compared with dilute (4:1) cardioplegia delivered in a continuous retrograde modality during surgical reperfusion of evolving myocardial infarction. Methods and Results After 60 minutes of left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) occlusion, anesthetized canines were placed on cardiopulmonary bypass and randomized to either all-blood cardioplegia (AB group) or dilute blood cardioplegia (Dil group). After cross clamping, arrest was induced with 5 minutes of tepid (30°C) antegrade potassium all-blood or dilute blood cardioplegia and maintained with tepid retrograde coronary sinus cardioplegia for a total of 1 hour. The LAD was released after 30 minutes of arrest, simulating revascularization. The cardioplegia hematocrit for the Dil group was lower than that for the AB group (7±1% versus 12±2%, PPPPPConclusions Both all-blood cardioplegia and dilute cardioplegia have disadvantages, but these do not have an impact on the pathogenesis of infarct size or recovery of regional contractile function.