Exciton localization effects and heterojunction band offset in (Ga,In)P-(Al,Ga,In)P multiple quantum wells

Disordered Ga0.52 In0.48P- (Al0.7 Ga0.3 )0.52 In0.48P bulk and quantum-well epilayers, lattice matched to GaAs substrates misoriented from (100), have been studied by low-temperature photoluminescence (PL) and photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy (PLE). The effects of excitonic weak localization are discussed by comparison between the PL and PLE data. Envelope-function fitting of the excitonic transitions observed in PLE has been used to determine a conduction-band discontinuity ΔEc of ∼0.67ΔEg, providing strong support for the value obtained by Liedenbaum et al. [Appl. Phys. Lett. 57, 2699 (1990)].