Naturalin vivotransfer of infectious drug resistance in the calf

Extract Sir,—Infectious drug resistance in the Enterobacteriaceae can be transferred in vitro and in vivo. In vivo transfer has been demonstrated in a germ free mouse (Kasuya, 1964 Kasuya, M. 1964. Transfer of drug resistance between enteric bacteria induced in the mouse intestine. J. Bact., 88: 322–328. [Google Scholar] ), conventional mice fed antibiotics (Kasuya, 1964 Kasuya, M. 1964. Transfer of drug resistance between enteric bacteria induced in the mouse intestine. J. Bact., 88: 322–328. [Google Scholar] ; Guinée, 1965 Guinée, P. A. M. 1965. Transfer of multiple drug resistance from Escherichia coli to Salmonella typhimurium in the mouse intestine. Antonie v. Leeuwenhoek, 31: 314–322. [Google Scholar] ), and in newly-hatched chickens fed a conventional antibiotic-free ration (Walton, 1966 Walton, J. R. 1966. In vivo transfer of infectious drug resistance. Nature, 211: 312–313. [Lond.] [Google Scholar] ). The majority of the above animal transfer experiments were carried out using laboratory prepared mutant Enterobacteriaceae as donor and recipient strains. Where field strains were used, transfers were not necessarily carried out in the animal species' from which the donor and recipient organisms were derived.