The dual role of polyelectrolytes and proteins as mineralization promoters and inhibitors of calcium oxalate monohydrate

Polyelectrolytes and protein molecules appear to be able to act not only as crystallization inhibitors when present in solution, but also as promoters of crystal growth when immobilized onto surfaces. Because this is especially relevant for systems in which heterogeneous nucleation can occur, the influence of poly-L-glutamic (PGlu) acid, poly-L-aspartic (PAsp) acid, and human serum albumin (HSA) on the nucleation and growth inhibition of calcium oxalate monohydrate (COM) was studied using the Constant Composition (CC) kinetics technique. The overgrowth of COM on hydroxyapatite (HAP) seed crystals pretreated with HSA was also investigated. Pronounced differences in inhibiting and nucleating potential were found for the various additives. HSA, a relatively poor growth inhibitor when present in solution, was found to nucleate very regular, hexagonal COM crystals when immobilized on a surface and to enhance the overgrowth of COM when adsorbed on HAP surfaces.