Permanent implants of 125I seeds at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center are performed by the method of "dimension averaging" to determine the total activity to be implanted; that is, the activity (in mCi) is taken to be five times the average dimension (in cm) of the target region. A nomograph has recently been developed to permit a rapid calculation of the seed spacing required for a uniform distribution of the number of seeds specified by dimension averaging. The number of seeds is also given by the nomograph. The spacing calculation performed with the nomograph, since it involves the two-thirds power of average dimension and the one-third power of seed strength, is well beyond the reach of mental arithmetic. Elongation and shape corrections are included. The nomograph spacing result is valid for an equipartition of measured volume among seeds but must be increased by an easily determined factor if peripheral seeds are considered to define the surface of the target region.