Gas transport in poly(vinyl benzoate)

The transport parameters of nine gases (O2, N2, CO2, He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe) through poly(vinyl benzoate) (PVB) have been measured by the time lag method above and below the glass transition temperature, Tg The results are compared with the related data of poly(vinyl acetate) (PVAc) by Meares and discussed as the effect of replacement of the methyl group by a phenyl group in the side chain of PVAc. Small molecules, such as H2, He, and Ne, diffuse more easily through PVAc than PVB, but the tendency is reversed for the larger gases. The activation energy for diffusion is proportional to the squares of the Lennard–Jones diameters of the gases below the Tg. On the other hand, above the Tg, linear relation is obtained to the cubes of the diameters. Solubility behavior is discussed by comparing the heats of solution for PVB and PVAc.