High-resolutionK-shell dielectronic satellite lines from laser-irradiated spot targets at 1.06, 0.53, and 0.27 μm wavelength

The Lyman-α and adjacent dielectronic satellite lines have been observed with high spatial and spectral resolution from laser-irradiated aluminum tracer dot targets at 1.06, 0.53, and 0.27 μm wavelength. The 1s2p P32p2P3 to 1s2s S32s2p P3 line-intensity ratio strongly increases for visible and uv laser wavelengths, indicating that time-integrated spectroscopic emissions from satellite lines probe higher electron densities under these laser-irradiation conditions. Numerical simulations including ground-state, singly excited and doubly excited levels of configurations 2la2lb and 2la3lb in a collisional-radiative equilibrium model including photon-pumping effects are in good agreement with experimental data. Plasma electric field broadening of satellite lines is also exhibited at high electron densities.