In quiescent cells, cdc2 mRNA is almost undetectable. Stimulation of cells to reenter the cell cycle results in induction of cdc2 expression, beginning at the G1-to-S transition and reaching maximum levels during late S and G2 phases. To investigate cdc2 transcriptional regulation throughout cell cycle progression, we monitored protein-DNA interactions by in vivo footprinting along 800 bp of the human cdc2 promoter in quiescent fibroblasts and at different time points following serum stimulation. We found 11 in vivo protein-binding sites, but no protein binding was observed at a high-affinity E2F site that had previously been implicated in cdc2 regulation. Nine of the identified in vivo binding sites (among them were two inverted CCAAT boxes, two Sp1 sites, and one ets-2 site) bind transcription factors constitutively throughout the cell cycle. However, at two elements located at positions -60 and -20 relative to the transcription start site, the binding pattern changes significantly as the cells are entering S phase. A G0- and G1-specific protein complex disappears at the -20 element at the beginning of S phase. This sequence deviates at one base position from known E2F consensus binding sites. We found that the major E2F activity in human fibroblasts contains E2F-4 and p130. The -20 element of the cdc2 gene specifically interacts with a subset of E2F-4-p130 complexes present in G0 cells but does not interact with S-phase-specific E2F complexes. Transient-transfection experiments with wild-type and mutant cdc2 promoter constructs indicate that the -20 element is involved in suppressing cdc2 activity in quiescent cells. We suggest that the presence of the p130-E2F-4 complex in G0/G1 blocks access of components of the basal transcription machinery or prevents transaction by the constitutively bound upstream activator proteins.