Effect of polyamines and their biosynthesis inhibitors on the production of hyperthermostable and Ca2+ -independent alpha-amylase by Geobacillus thermoleovorans MTCC 4220. The alpha-amylase was produced in starch-yeast extract-tryptone (SYT) broth with different polyamines (PA) and polyamine biosynthesis inhibitors, methylglyoxal-bis-guanylhydrazone (MGBG) and cyclohexylammonium sulphate (CHA) at 70 degrees C. The bacterial pellets were obtained after growing G. thermoleovorans at different temperatures, and used in determining total PA. The cell-free culture filtrates were used in alpha-amylase assays. During growth, total polyamines in biomass increased till 2 h, and thereafter, decreased gradually. The total polyamine content was very high in the biomass cultivated at 55 degrees C when compared with that of higher temperatures. Enzyme titre enhanced up to 70 degrees C, and thereafter declined. Extracellular enzyme and protein levels declined in the presence of exogenously added PA. The intracellular enzyme titres, however, were higher in putrescine (put) and spermidine (spd) than in spermine (spm). Polyamine biosynthesis inhibitor, MGBG enhanced secretion of alpha-amylase in a laboratory fermentor as well as shake flasks, although CHA did not affect it. The intracellular accumulation of put in the presence of MGBG appeared to enhance synthesis and secretion of alpha-amylase. Extracellular enzyme and protein levels were low in the presence of exogenously added PA, but their intracellular levels, however, were higher in put and spd than in spm. A substantial increase in the synthesis and secretion of alpha-amylase was attained in G. thermoleovorans in the presence of polyamine biosynthesis inhibitor MGBG.