We show that not only the hierarchical quark CKM mixing matrix but also the "bimaximal" lepton flavor mixing matrix can be derived from the same mass matrix ansatz based on the broken permutation symmetry, by assuming the hierarchy of neutrino masses to be $m_1\simeq m_2 <<m_3$. We also reproduce the recently measured angle of unitary triangle, $\sin 2\beta$, as well as all the observed experimental values of $V_{{\tiny CKM}}$ of the quark CKM matrix. And we predict Jarlskog rephasing invariant quantity, $J_{{\tiny CP}} \simeq 0.18 \times 10^{-4}$, and the upper bound of the same quantity in the lepton sector, $J^l_{{\tiny CP}} \leq 0.012$, which may be indeed large enough to generate the lepton number violation of the universe.

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