Social and social-cognitive correlates of sociometric status in preschool and kindergarten children.

Researchers have long suggested that peers play a significant role in children''s social, social-cognitive and cognitive growth and development. In this study, the correlates of sociometric status in early childhood were examined. Sociometric popularity was determined for 123 preschoolers and 111 kindergarteners. Each child was then observed during free play for 10-s time samples (6), each day, over 30 days for preschoolers and 25 days for kindergarteners. The level of social and cognitive play observed was recorded, as well as the child''s conversational partners, the initiator of the activity and the affective quality of each social interchange. Social competence (as rated by teachers) and social problem-solving ability were assessed. Analyzes revealed peer rejection to be consistently related to agonistic behavior. Unpopular children engaged in less mature forms of play and interacted with others than were their more popular agemates.