Urinary Diversion to the Augmented and Valved Rectum: Preliminary Results with a Novel Surgical Procedure

A new method for urinary diversion to the rectum was elaborated in animal experiments and currently has been used in 19 patients. Reflux of the rectal content to the colon and to the upper urinary tract is prevented by the fashioning of an intussusception valve at the rectosigmoid junction. The rectum is augmented by anastomosing an ileal patch to the anterior rectal wall. A transverse colostomy protects the construction for 6 to 8 weeks. Of the 19 patients 3 had local recurrence or metastasis within 6 months. Thus, 16 patients with a followup of 3 to 14 months are evaluable. All patients are continent during the daytime with an emptying frequency of 3 to 5 times and dry at night with a frequency of 0 to 2. In 3 patients partial sliding of the sigmoid intussusception valve occurred causing reflux of rectal contents to the sigmoid and to the right ureter in 1. Reflux to the upper urinary tract has not been revealed in any of the other patients. With 1 exception excretory urography has demonstrated either improvement or stablization of the upper urinary tract postoperatively. The rectal capacity increased from 20 to 700 ml. after 6 months. With the reservoir full the mean basal pressure was 17 cm. water and the mean maximum pressure was 24 cm. water.