Postmortem findings in two familial amyloidosis patients with transthyretin variant Asp38Ala

Postmortem findings in 2 familial amyloidosis patients with the transthyretin variant (ATTR), Asp38Ala, are described Both showed cardiac failure, and progressive peripheral and autonomic neuropathy and died at the ages 82 and 57, respectively. TTR immunoreactive amyloid deposition was observed to be extensive in the myocardium, peripheral nerves, sympathetic ganglia and gastrointestinal tract. The pulmonary parenchyma was also diffusely involved, but renal glomeruli, follicular tissues of the thyroid, and the leptomeninges and subarachnoidal vessels of the central nervous system showed little deposition. The latter findings are not usually seen in the patients with ATTR Val30Met, the most common form of familial amyloidosis. Additionally, the clinicopathological findings of familial amyloidosis with ATTR Asp38Ala seem to vary in the different individuals.