Immunization of Mice Against Viruses of the Psittacosis Group with Ultraviolet-Inactivated Vaccines.

A preliminary study was made of the active immunization of mice with vaccines prepared from the viruses of psittacosis (6 BC), human pneumonitis (SF), and ornitho-sis (207) cultured in the allantoic cavity of embryonated eggs. Infected allantoic fluids were rendered inactive in 0.1-0.2 sec. by exposure to an Oppenheimer-Levinson type ultraviolet lamp. Tests for inactivation consisted of serial passages in mice and eggs. Mice were immunized with 2 or 3 intraperitoneal injus. of the inactivated virus and tested for immunity 3 weeks later by inlracerebral or intraperitoneal injn. of active homologous virus along with appropriate controls. With psittacosis virus definite resistance to intraperitoneal challenge was evident but none was demonstrated against intracerebral injection. Resistance was demonstrated against intracerebral challenge in the case of human pneumonitis and ornithosis viruses.