Very-high-purity Factor VIII concentrates produced by monoclonal or recombinant technology have been postulated to be more antigenic resulting in an increased risk of inhibitor development in hemophilia A patients. However, previous reports, mainly based on prevalence figures, may have understimated the “true” risk of this complication in patients treated with less pure Factor VIII concentrates. The present study, started in 1975, has been designed to calculate the risk of inhibitor development in patients with severe or moderate hemophilia A, followed since their first exposure to intermediate or high-purity Factor VIII concentrates, produced by conventional technologies. Sixty-four hemophiliacs fulfilled the enrollment criteria. Inhibitors developed in 20.3% (13/64) of all patients and in 23% (11/48) of those with severe Factor VIII deficiency. Eleven patients manifested a strong anamnestic response after exposure to Factor VIII (high responders) and 2 had low inhibitor concenlialions despite repeated Factor Vlll infusions (low responders). The incidence of inhibitor development was 24.6 per 1000 patient yeuis of observalion. The, cumulative! risk of inhibitor formation was 19,9% at age of 6 years, and 20.3% at 5 years after the first exposure. The risk was 19.3% at 70 days of exposure to Factor VIII concentrates, and 17.2% after a total of 50,000 units of Factor VIII given. Further stuides are needed to confirm the above risk of acquiring an inhibitor, which indicates and under-estimations by previous studies. In addition, more data is needed to demonstrate whether very high purity Factor VIII concentrates may be more antigenie than conventional preparations.