Molekülstrukturbestimmung von Trimethylazidosilan mittels der Elektronenbeugung an Gasen

The molecular structure of Trimethylazidosilane, (CH3)3SiNαNβNω, was determined by electron diffraction of gases. In contrary to published results this molecule has neither C3V- nor Cs-symmetry but C1-symmetry. The following results for the geometrical parameters were obtained: ra(Nω-Nβ) =1.150 ű0.011, ra(Nβ-Nα) =1.198ű0.008, ra(Si-N)=1.734ű0.007, ra(Si-C)=1.854ű0.003, ra(C-H)=1.082ű0.003, ∢Si-Nα-Nβ=128°±l.6°, ∢ᵨ=36.2°±4.9° (ᵨ is the out-of C1SiNα-plane angel of the Azidodiaine about thel Si - Nα-bond), ∢Nα-Si-C1=107o±3.1o, ∢Nα-Si-C2=110.1°±3.2 ,∢Nα-Si-C3 = 105.2°±2.6°, ∢C1-Si-C2=110.4o±2.9°, ∢C1-Si-C3=108.8o±3.1°, ∢C1-Si-C3=115°±3.4°and ∢Si-C-H=114.2°±1.6°.

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