Non-MHC-Restricted T-Cell Interaction with B Cells: Role of the T-Cell Receptor

Non‐specific antibody production usually accompanies the T‐cell‐regulated B‐cell response. In this papaer the Machanisms involved in non‐MHC‐restricted T‐cell interaction were studied. As previously shown for NK cells, activated B cells induce IFN‐α and TNFα production in non MHC‐restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes (NrCTL). Using an in vitro model system, we demonstrate that direct cell cell interactions are required to induce these cytokines in NrCTL. Receptor ligand systems involed are leucocyte function antigen‐1/intercellular adhesion molecule‐1 (LFA‐1/ICAM‐1)(CDlla, CD18/CDM).Tn/LFA‐3(CD2, CD58), andtheclonoty‐pic T‐cell receptor (TCR) strueture NKTa of JT9/JTI0 with ils no!i‐MHC‐related target antigen TNKtar(4F2), Cytokine produclion can be induced by activating motiockmahmtibodics against CD2R, Antibodies againsi the elonotypic TCR (NKTa) or CD3 had no cylokine‐iiiduciiig effect on NrCTL cullured alone, but were able to retrieve the effect of blocking the target antigen on co‐cuhured B eells. We eould lurther demonstrate that the inhibition of the TCR/targel antigen interaction eould be overcome by elose cell cell contae! culture conditions. From these findings il i s concluded that the role of the TCR in non‐MHC‐reslricted cell cell interaction is to facilitate LFA‐l. lCAM‐1‐mediated elfectorlarget adhesion in a specific way rather than lo mediate direct activating signals upon lymphokine produclion or cytoxicity.