Vesicopyelostomy in the Treatment of Pelvic Kidneys with Pelviureteric Junction Obstruction: Long-term Follow-UP

The surgical management of 6 male patients with pelvic kidneys with pelviureteric junction obstruction is discussed. Two patients presented in advanced renal failure and 1 had peritonitis and septicaemia due to rupture of the renal pelvis. Vesicopyelostomy was perferred to pyeloplasty in 5 patients because of adhesions, multiple aberrant vessels, multiple stones, malrotation and the low pelvic position, but pyeloplasty was done in 1 case. Though vesicoureteric reflux was observed during voiding cystourethrography in all patients, no deleterious effect on the kidney was seen during the 3- to 5-year follow-up period.