Observations on the Development of a new Filaria (Breinlia booliati, Singh and Ho, 1973) of a Rat Rattus sabanus in the Mosquito Aedes togoi

The development of the larvae of Breinlia booliati a new filarial parasite of the forest rat Rattus sabanus in Aedes togoi is described. Complete larval development to the infective stage occurred in the fat body of the head, the thorax, and especially the abdomen of the mosquito. The first moult occurs at 7 days and the second at 11 days. As the larvae grow very rapidly in length, the parts of the parasitized fat body cells which harbour the developing larvae take on a syncytial appearance. By the 11th day, the larvae move out from the fat body into the haemocoele. The infective forms are found in the proboscis at the 12th day after the infecting blood meal.