The postnatal development of the substantia nigra: A light and electron microscopy study

The early postnatal development of neurons, dendrites, and synaptic connectivity in kitten substantia nigra (SN) was studied by light and electron microscopy. The compact and reticular divisions of the SN are present at birth but boundaries are indistinct. Most nigral neurons stain deeply in routine histological sections and their diameters increase slightly with age. Ultrastructurally, cell bodies are characterized by eccentrically located and often invaginated nuclei surrounded by cytoplasm rich in well-formed or-ganelles. Axosomatic synapses are infrequent and cell surfaces are enveloped by glial processes. Immature dendritic features, including growth cones and filiform processes, are commonly observed during the first 10 days. Gradually the dendritic profiles elongate and thicken and contours become smoother, retaining only scattered spinelike appendages. Clear examples of the three synaptic types described in cat are found in newborn kittens, but immature terminals contain fewer synaptic vesicles and mitochondria. Approximately 90% of synapses present at birth in both nigra subdivisions are Type I, which contain large pleomorphic vesicles and contact dendrites symmetrically. Asymmetrical contacts characterize most of the remaining definable synapses. The postnatal increase in synaptic connectivity, which was estimated from random photographs of pars reticulata neuropil, is twofold during the first 50 days of life. Initially young dendrites are enveloped by glia and then gradually become ensheathed by axon terminals. Synaptogenesis in pars reticulata reflects the postnatal increase of neostriatal inputs to this subdivision and can be correlated with functional changes in strionigral connectivity.