A CA125 score as a prognostic index in patients with ovarian cancer

Due to its high specificity (90%) and sensitivity (86%) measurement of CA125 has become well-established in patients with epithelial ovarian cancer. We have formulated a CA125 prognostic score and examined its validity as an additional prognosis index. This score is composed of two CA125 values (one determined preoperatively and one 1 month after operation). CA125 serum levels of 0–64 IU/ml received 1 point, levels of 65–299 IU/ml were given 2 points, and those >300 IU/ml were given 3 points. These points are added to produce the CA125 prognostic score. Statistical comparison demonstrated that patients with scores of 2 or 3 had a significantly (P=0.0005) better prognosis than patients with scores of 4, 5 or 6. The classical prognostics features such as the FIGO stage, residual tumor mass and ascites were found to correlate with the CA125 prognostic score.