The Linear Thermal Expansion of Sodium Tungstate Between 20° and 600°

(1) The linear thermal expansion of anhydrous sodium tungstate has been determined between 20° and 600°C by means of an interferometer, with results given by the following equations: v=v20[1+53.194(t−20)10−6+41.5(t−20)210−9],Δl/l20=17.73(t−20)10−6+13.83(t−20)210−9,αm=17.73×10−6+13.83(t−20)10−9,αt=17.73×10−6+27.66(t−20)10−9. (2) The results show that at atmospheric pressure the salt is trimorphous. Modification III is stable on heating up to 585° at which temperature it transforms to II with an increase in volume of 17.4 percent. Form II is stable over a very short temperature interval, whose exact extent could not be determined, and then transforms to Na2WO4 I with a decrease in volume of 0.12 percent.