A New Method for the Evaluation of Biodegradable Plastic Using Coated Cellulose Paper

Summary: A highly sensitive analytical method for evaluation of poly(L‐lactide) (PLA), poly(ε‐caprolactone) (PCL), poly(β‐hydroxybutyrate) (PHB), and poly(butylene succinate) (PBS) degradability was developed using coated cellulose paper, prepared by penetration and adhesion of these plastics into/onto the cellulose paper. Enzymatic degradability of the obtained plastic coated papers was evaluated using various commercial proteases and lipases. PLA coated paper was highly susceptible to subtilisin and mammalian enzymes, α‐chymotrypsin, elastase and trypsin. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the degradation of PLA coated paper using subtilisin and mammalian enzymes. Almost all lipase preparations degraded PCL and PHB coated papers but not PBS coated paper. The biodegradability of plastic coated paper was greater than that of plastic powder. The penetration of plastic into cellulose paper by coating improved the plastic degradability, and can be regulated easily. Model structures of the plastic coated papers prepared by penetration (A) and adhesion (B) used in the enzyme degradation studies. image Model structures of the plastic coated papers prepared by penetration (A) and adhesion (B) used in the enzyme degradation studies.