The growth of L‐60TM cells (a suspension culture adapted L‐cell) on media composed of MEM (minimum essential medium (Eagle)) and bactopeptone autoclaved together or separately under a variety of conditions has been determined. It has been found that MEM autoclaved with 0.5% bactopeptone at 15 psi for 20 min, cooled and then neutralized with NaHCO3, consistently supported good cell growth of L‐60TM and L‐929 cells. Similar results were obtained when the MEM and bactopeptone were autoclaved separately. The cells grew initially as a monolayer, subsequently becoming a stationary suspension. Some experiments were carried out with agitated suspension culture of L‐60TM cells in the autoclaved MEM–bactopeptone combination with and without added methylcellulose and results were obtained which indicate that large scale suspension culture is possible in this system. Other peptones were also found to support cell growth. The autoclaved MEM–bactopeptone combination also supported the growth of Chang liver and Vero cells. The Chang liver cells rapidly dissociated from the plastic surface but the Vero cells remained sufficiently securely attached so that it was possible to grow them near to confluency in roller bottles.