Delayed Emission from Green Algae “Chlorella pyrenoidosa” at Various Temperatures

Comparative studies of prompt and delayed emission from whole cells of Chlorella pyrenoidosa are presented for various temperatures between 4.2 and 300 K. Prompt emission was excited with continuous light (wavelengths between 420 and 670 nm). Light pulses (duration 6.9 msec) have been used to excite delayed emission. Their wavelength had to be shorter than 600 nm for investigations at 77 K. A linear dependence of the delayed emission intensity on the excitation intensity at low temperatures (4.2 and 77 K) favours a one-quantum-mechanism to be responsible for delayed light production. The response of the total intensities on temperature shows a similar behaviour for both types of emission up to 200 K. Above 200 K they behave quite differently.