Kappa immunoglobulin promoters and enhancers display developmentally controlled interactions

We have investigated the interaction of the kappa immunoglobulin light chain intron and 3′ enhancers with two different kappa promoters at distinct stages of B-cell development. We find that transiently transfected reporter gene constructs driven by either the kappa V-region promoter, or the kappa germline promoter, are controlled by the known enhancers of the locus in a developmentally regulated fashion. We have, however, observed differences in promoter activation by eachenhancer. Moreover, constructs controlled by a combination of both enhancers are synergistically activated at the B-cell and plasma cell stages as compared with constructs containing either enhancer alone. This synergy is not observed early in development, at the pre-B cell stage. The pattern of enhancer and promoter interactions is discussed in the context of theknown developmental regulation of the locus.