Left ventricular function and oesophageal function in patients with angina pectoris and normal coronary angiograms.

Left ventricular function and oesophageal function (including oesophageal manometry and pH monitoring) were investigated and a psychiatric assessment carried out in 63 patients with angina pectoris and normal coronary angiograms. Twenty two (35%) patients had regional abnormalities of left ventricular wall motion (group A). Thirty six (57%) patients had an oesophageal abnormality (group B); 19 patients had gastro-oesophageal reflux and abnormal oesophageal motility, five had gastro-oesophageal reflux alone, and 12 had abnormal oesophageal motility alone. Only four had regional abnormalities of the left ventricular wall and abnormal oesophageal function. In nine (14%) patients left ventricular and oesophageal function were normal (group C). Psychiatric morbidity was significantly less common in group A than in groups B and C and was similar in group B and group C. A definite abnormality of left ventricular function, oesophageal function, or psychiatric morbidity is present in a high proportion of patients with angina pectoris and normal coronary angiograms and in some instances this may lead to specific treatment. If quantitative assessment of left ventricular function is normal, oesophageal investigations should be performed. Endoscopy of the upper gastrointestinal tract may demonstrate oesophageal disease, but, if findings are normal, oesophageal manometry and ambulatory oesophageal pH monitoring (including during treadmill exercise testing) should be carried out.