The role of the contralateral limb in below-knee amputee gait

Very little quantitative biomechanical research has been carried out evaluating issues relevant to prosthetic management. The literature available suggests that amputees may demonstrate an asymmetrical gait pattern. Furthermore, studies suggest that the forces occurring during amputee gait may be unequally distributed between the contralateral and prosthetic lower limbs/This study investigates the role of the contralateral limb in amputee gait by determining lower limb joint reaction forces and symmetry of motion in an amputee and non-amputee population. Seven adult below-knee amputees and four non-amputees participated in the study. Testing involved collection of kinematic coordinate data employing a WATSMART video system and ground reaction force data using a Kistler force plate. The degree of lower limb symmetry was determined using bilateral angle-angle diagrams and a chain encoding technique. Ankle, knee and hip joint reaction forces were estimated in order to evaluate the forces acting across the joints of the amputee's contralateral limb. The amputees demonstrated a lesser degree of lower limb symmetry than the non-amputees. This asymmetrical movement was attributed to the inherent variability of the actions of the prosthetic lower limb. The forces acting across the joints of the contralateral limb were not significantly higher than that of the non-amputee. This suggests that, providing the adult amputee has a good prosthetic fit, there will not be increased forces across the joints of the contralateral limb and consequently no predisposition for the long-term wearer to develop premature degenerative arthritis.

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