The purification and properties of a ribonucleoenzyme, o-diphenol oxidase, from potatoes

1. o-Diphenol oxidase was isolated from potato tubers by a new approach that avoids the browning due to autoxidation. 2. There are at least three forms of the enzyme, of different molecular weights. The major form, of highest molecular weight, was separated from the others in good yield and with high specific activity by gel filtration through Bio-Gel P-300. 3. The major form is homogeneous by disc electrophoresis but regenerates small amounts of the species of lower molecular weight, as shown by rechromatography on Bio-Gel P-300. 4. There is an equal amount of RNA and protein by weight in the fully active enzyme. The RNA cannot be removed without loss of activity, and is not attacked by ribonuclease. 5. The pH optimum of the enzyme is at pH5.0 when assayed with 4-methylcatechol as substrate. It is ten times more active with this substrate than with chlorogenic acid or catechol. The enzyme is fully active in 4m-urea. 6. A minimal molecular weight of 36000 is indicated by copper content and amino acid analysis of the protein component of the enzyme. 7. The protein contains five half-cystinyl residues per 36000 daltons, a value similar to that found in o-diphenol oxidase from mushrooms. It also contains tyrosine residues although, when pure, it does not turn brown by autoxidation.