Cell cycle analysis of asynchronous cell populations by flow cytometry using bromodeoxyuridine label and Hoechst‐propidium iodide stain

Continuous labelling of cells with deoxybromouridine (BrdUrd) followed by staining with a bis-benzimidazole (Hoechst 33258) and a phenanthridinium (propidium iodide or ethidium bromide) allows the cells to be separated by flow cytometry according to the extent of their DNA replication. This BrdUrd-Hoechst/PI method has been used mainly to observe perturbations of the cell cycle in synchronously growing cells. In this paper we demonstrate that, when the method is applied to asynchronously dividing cells, more extensive information can be derived about the effects of cytotoxic and other treatments on the kinetics of the cell cycle. The interpretation of the data is explained, the effects of different types of cytotoxic agent are described, and the method is compared briefly to other methods for following cell cycle kinetics.