A collection of tri- and tetranucleotide repeat markers used to generate high quality, high resolution human genome-wide linkage maps

We report a collection of tri- and tetranucleotide repeat sequence polymorphic markers used to construct genome-wide human linkage maps. Using a strategy of marker selection to create libraries highly enriched for the presence of specific tandem repeat elements, we have developed over 2000 high heterozygosity, easy-to-use tn- and tetranucieotide short tandem repeat polymorphisms (STRPs). To date, over 1300 of these markers have been genotyped on the CEPH reference families. Additional STRPs were assigned to chromosomes using human monochromosomal somatic cell hybrids. The linkage maps constructed with these markers have been integrated with other CEPH genotypes into a comprehensive high density linkage map. These STRPs have been shown to be robust for genotyping in a variety of laboratories using a variety of methods. The high quality of these STRPs makes them ideal candidates for use in genome-wide linkage searches. The integration of these markers with physical mapping reagents and other genetic markers will create a resource for moving from genome-wide linkage searches to rapid subiocalization of disease loci.