Purified populations of human peripheral blood monocytes and murine peritoneal macrophages synthesize and release prostaglandin E in vitro. Prostaglandin E was not detected in the supernate fluids from cultures of highly enriched human lymphocytes and granulocytes, or in nonadherent murine peritoneal cells. Macrophage prostaglandin E production was markedly enhanced by endotoxin, and completely suppressed by indomethacin. All neoplastic monocyte-macrophage cell lines examined elaborated prostaglandin E in vitro, either constitutively or after induction with endotoxin. Prostaglandin E production could not be detected from either a T[thymus-derived]- or B[bone marrow-derived]-cell lymphoma, whether or not they were treated with endotoxin. The blood monocyte and tissue macrophage represent an important source of prostaglandin E, a function shared by normal and neoplastic mononuclear phagocytes.