Particulate matter settling out of the water column was collected continuously over 2 yr by multisample sediment traps in the coastal waters of the western Baltic Sea. The content of PCB [polychlorinated biphenyls] and organochlorine pesticides of this matter was determined and compared with its dry weight, and with its organic C, N and plant pigment content. The pesticide content of this material was highly variable and a marked decline in absolute concentrations was present from 1975-1977; in most samples from 1977, pesticide content was below detection limit. For PCB, a distinct annual cycle was observed which was inversely related to the rates of sedimentation of seston; highest absolute values for PCB in each year were recorded during the summer. The input rates of PCB to the sediments ranged between 112.103 and 24.103 ng m-2 .cntdot. yr-1.