Monoclonal antibodies against a paramyxovirus isolated from Japanese Sparrow-Hawks(Accipiter virugatus gularis)

Five monoclonal antibodies against the haemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) molecule of Taka virus, a variant of Newcastle disease virus (NDV), were established to compare the antigenicities of several avian paramyxoviruses including NDV. From the results of the cross haemagglutination-inhibition (HI) test with the monoclonal antibodies, the HN molecule of Taka virus seemed to have at least three different antigenic determinants; one was specific for all NDV strains tested, the second was for Taka virus and Komarov strain of NDV and the third was for Taka virus, Komarov strain, Bangor and Yucaipa. Furthermore, the differences in the ratio of HI to neuraminidase-inhibition titers suggested that the separate active sites involved in haemagglutinin and neuraminidase activities might exist at least in close proximity.