Improved B Cell Typing for HLA—DR Using Nylon Wool Column Enriched B Lymphocyte Preparations

A rapid, simple procedure for preparing B lymphocytes using nylon wool has been devised. When mixtures of T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes, and monocytes are applied to nylon wool colums, B lymphocytes can then be removed, virtually free of monocytes. Such preparations (Ad) are 85 ± 6% SIg+ and have only 3 ± 1% monocyte contamination. The yield from peripheral blood averages 5% of all mononuclear cells. In contrast, the E rosette depletion method (E-) yields cells which are only 64 ± 5% SIg+ and have 25 ± 7% monocyte contamination. The superiority of the nylon method for HLA—DR typing was demonstrated in a comparative study of Ad and E- with eight normal individuals. Cytotoxic scores were higher and a larger number of reactions, representing DRw groups and additional cross-reactions, was detected.