Optical-model potential in a relativistic quantum field model

The average nucleon-nucleus potential at low and medium energy is investigated in the framework of a relativistic quantum field model. Using the same input parameters as Brockmann in his recent study of nuclear ground states, we calculate the self-consistent relativistic Hartree potential at positive energy in the case of infinite nuclear matter and of O16 and Ca40. This potential is the sum of a scalar operator and of the fourth component of a vector operator. We construct its Schrödinger-equivalent potential by eliminating the small component of the Dirac spinor. The central part of this Schrödinger-equivalent potential is in fair agreement with empirical values at low and intermediate energy. Particular attention is paid to the intermediate energy domain, in which the calculated potential is repulsive in the nuclear interior and attractive at the nuclear surface. This is in keeping with some empirical evidence and is similar to results found in the framework of the nonrelativistic Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approximation. The spin-orbit potential of the relativistic Hartree model is also in good agreement with empirical values.