Physical and morphological aspects of the eye of the manateetrichechus inunguisnatterer 1883: (Sirenia: Mammalia)

The eyes and aspects of vision of the Amazonian manatee T. inunguis (Sirenia: mammalia) were examined in 5 animals, in relation to previous findings for sirenians. A review of previous findings confirming those on gross ocular anatomy, retinal histology and ocular refraction. The confirmation of a primarily rod retina, high receptor: ganglion cell ratio and low refractive error under water were of note. A visual pigment based upon vitamin A1 and a difference spectrum of .lambda. max at 505 nm was in agreement with Dartnalls nomogram. A retina more suited to low light levels, and at best, moderate visual acuity, though motion perception appears present and a low degree of binocular vision possible, was suggested.

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