The extramedullary plasma-cell tumors are very rare. About 150 cases have been described so far. The first case was reported by Shridde (1905). Since then, individual case reports appeared till Hellwig (1943) reviewed the entire literature on the subject. Later, Lewis and associates (1951) reported a case of their own and collected a total of 153 cases available on the subject. The distribution of these cases according to their location was upper respiratory tract 81, conjunctiva 50, lymph nodes 4; the rest were seen in pleura, mediastinum, spermatic cord, thyroid gland, ovary, stomach, skin, etc. In 1952 Sirsat added three more cases, involving the oral cavity, nasal cavity, and lymph node, respectively.The following case is considered worthy of record because of the extreme rarity of the condition in the skin:The tissue was obtained as a biopsy specimen from a ``cauliflower-like growth'' limited entirely to the skin of