Electro and acoustic myography for noninvasive assessment of lumbar paraspinal muscle function

In 31 normal subjects (17 male), aged 19–48 years, and 8 patients with chronic low back pain (4 male), aged 37–55 years, the repeatability of surface recordings of acoustic myography (AMG) and electromyography (EMG) were examined in the lumbar paraspinal muscles. Five isometric test positions were examined. In 21 of the normal subjects, four positions tested were: quiet standing, half extension from prone lying, full extension from prone with and without resistance. In 10 of the normal subjects and the 8 back pain patients, a standardised, unsupported horizontal position with the upper body over the end of a couch was tested. The AMG and EMG signals were full-wave rectified and integrated (iAMG and iEMG). The variability of recordings during repeated 5-s isometric contractions was assessed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the coefficient of variation (CV) was calculated from the ANOVA. Both recording techniques produced the most repeatable results during the unsupported, horizontal hold position. In the normal subjects, CV were, iAMG 5.6%, iEMG 4.9%; and in the patients, iAMG 4.4%, iEMG 2.6%. The CV for the other four isometric test positions ranged from 15.3% to 29.4% for iAMG, and 8% to 15.7% for iEMG. These results demonstrated that a controlled test manoeuvre for examining AMG and EMG of the paraspinal muscles was vital for repeatable recordings. The CV for the standardised, horizontal position were lower than for previously published results. This position therefore would appear to be suitable for physiological studies of AMG and EMG activity of the paraspinal muscles in normal subjects and patients with chronic low back pain.